Sunday, May 24, 2009

It never too late to loose weight

Excess weight gain can be experienced by any age group.
Babies add weight while they are still young. If they exceed the recommended weight, the mother poses the baby to a risk of health complications. Teens are sometimes the worst hit by weight gain. During the teens, the body is involved in many changes. Some changes may be physical while others can be internal. Food products may begin to produce more fats and energy to supplement the fast developing body. With the excessive food consumption to provide energy, teens start developing bellies and layers of muscles (stored fat) which become visible around the waist.
The elderly are also not lucky. Little movement is involved during old age. The body’s metabolic reaction is not as fast as it was during the young age. As the elderly feed with little or no body exercise the body gains weight easily and this may lead to heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes among others.
Loosing weight can be possible in any stage of life.
Babies can be feed with cereals with less fat content. By weaning them reduces the amount of fat gained from the mothers’ milk. Suckling can be substituted with other nutritional drinks after feeding.
By placing babies on support walkers and engaging them in playful mode, the body would be triggered to workout slowly and in turn use up the stored fats.
Teens are strong and active. Teens can loose belly fat through many ways. Exercising for teens is a good start. Weight lifting, swimming or hiking is enough to force the body to get rid of excessive fats through applying pressure on the muscles. Reducing or dropping food products that play a major role in increasing the fat content in the body is also another way to cut down weight gain.
The elderly are more suited to walking to loose excessive weight. Owing to the body state, they may not be able to move fast or lift weights. Eating a balanced diet with food products with minimal fat content can be a positive method towards dealing with weight gain among the elderly.

How to deal with extra loose muscles

Loose muscles brought by increased fat storage in the body can really be a great deal of frustration. Starting from the physical appearance to how you dress, your confidence while you walk will always be similar to a banging sound behind your mind.
So if it is that disturbing why not make a step and deal with it now and for ever. Try out some of the ideas here and loose those muscles now.
-Hit the track and start walking and running. Running is the second way you can increase the metabolic reaction in your body. Loose means excesses and unused. By starting a running exercise daily the body increases the rate of the metabolic reaction. In simpler words, the body is forced to brake down more fat to generate energy. Organs such as the heart that are exposed to higher risk of failing start pumping blood faster when running. This opens up the blood vessels so as to carry more blood and provide more oxygen. To allow more blood to pass through the body has to get rid of the fat layer surrounding the heart and the fat lining in the blood vessels.
-Exercise daily. What exercise can you do where you live? Light weight lifting can really bring forth visible changes on the loose muscles. By exerting pressure on the loose muscles, they start contracting and in turn become stiffer. The loose muscles will also shrink in size. The out come is similar to an athletic figure. As you perform the weight lifting you can graduate to heavier weights. More pressure will be felt by the muscles and in turn stiffen at a faster rate.
Walking as an exercise contributes to stiffening the muscles around your legs up to the waist. If possible try a walk in the steep areas in the country side. Your body will be exposed to a form of exercise that will positively contribute to stiffening your muscles.
-Cut down on the food products that you feel are contributing to fat gain in your body. Doing so gives the body a chance to burn out fats at a higher rate than the rate fat is generated in the body.
Patience is also important. Be consistent with the exercise and you will defiantly deal with those loose muscles.

Why strain with the diet program

Loosing weight is attributed by endless programs about dieting, herds and myths that really don’t bring results.
If you are on a strict diet with an aim of loosing extra pounds, the truth is you are mistreating yourself. Food is meant to provide energy, good health and pleasure. If you are denying your self food than you are not enjoying the full benefits that food can provide.
Why did you start dieting in the first place? Most overweight people will start a diet program in order to cut down the amount of weight gain from their previous eating habit. “Previous eating habit” There is nothing wrong with your previous eating habit. What may have contributed to your weight gain may have been a result of taking food products that produced great mass of fat in your body.
Look at this closely, vegetarian never come in to contact with animal products which we clearly know that animal products contribute largely in producing fat and muscles in our body. This in turn contributes to the body been overweight. Vegetarians take food products that are mainly composed of high levels of vitamins, carbohydrates and acids (from fruits) but still gain extra weight!
People have different reactions to food products and this is where you have to pay attention and identify what largely contributes to your weight gain and suppress it. Taking biscuits for example, can result to one person increasing weight in seven days. On the other hand, the second person may never add weight by eating biscuits. These depend on how you body reacts to the food you take.
Identify the food products that contribute to your fast weight gain and cut down on them. These will enable you to enjoy the benefits that food can provide with out having to strain your appetite to adapt a diet program that hardly works despite using a lot of money subscribing to it.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Feeling Light and Tight Part 2

Regular Weight Observation:
Have a table where you can record your weight each end of the week. Recording your weight helps you to note any increase or decrease in weight. Increase in weight would mean that your diet has changed and if not carefully checked the body weight may end up reaching a point of no control. A decrease in weight may indicate either a sign of illness or irregular feeding. Quick remedies must be taken to ensure that the body does not loss more weight as this may have a great impact to your health.

Not everybody will take the long way to perfection. Either due to excessive work, less time or inadequate weight controlling remedies, majority will opt to take prescriptions to reduce or gain weight. Prescriptions can bring out good results if taken according to the directions advised by the doctor or pharmacist, but unfortunately, the eagerness to achieve the desired look may be very pressing and this forces many to either take excessive medication or on the other hand drop the medication. The results in both situations are adversely depicted by irregular body shape, deterioration of the skin, stress, slow body reaction and even heart diseases.

For a healthier skin, avoid mixing cream, oils and body lotions. The ingredients used to manufacture the skin products may end forming components that may have effect on your skin rather than making it softer. It would be preferably better to wash out the first applied skin lotion or oil before applying another skin care product. Keeping the skin fresh helps keep the spores on the skin open having a cooling effect as heat isn’t good for the skin.

Feeling Light and Tight Part 1

I happened to have a chance to attend a fashion show that turned out to be very successful. Despite the height of the event their still was room for mistakes. I discovered that a miscalculated step could send you falling despite the rapid stand to regain posture and move on.
Achieving a feather weight and a tight skin wouldn’t come attractively wrapped unless you start working for it.

Checked Feeding:
A balanced diet doe’s not necessarily mean food consumed should compose mostly of foods rich in fats or sweet delicacies.
For those who aren’t ready to gain weight, it is very important to concentrate on foods that hardly contain any fat. Leaning on a diet mainly composed of bread, greens, yogurts and fruits can really help in controlling your weight gain.
Avoiding taking foods products with high sugar concentration can help control that amount of calorie gained by the body. Frequent taking of water helps the skin to maintaining its natural fluid composition.
Avoid taking drinks that contain high concentration of salts, high level of alcohol. These drinks have a dehydration effect which contributes to perspiration causing a dry skin.

Weekly Exercises:
Setting a day aside for exercising can really maintain and improve weight control. Despite the body having a resistive welcome in engaging in duties that may have to do with excessive physical activity, exercising in the gym is advisable. Irregular attendance for exercise classes may make the whole activity exhausting and not very effective if luck of proper guidance on how to carry out weight control exercises is not well demonstrated.

The Loss Sewed to fit Excellently PART 2

The Look by the Manual: To move along with the change of the body, extra time is required for exercise. Exercise allows the stiffening of muscles and the contraction of loose skin to cover equally all over the body. Muscle contraction ensures that the skin and the larger muscle especially the biceps, the belly and the thighs do not hang after a gradual process of loosing weight.
Research has confirmed that frequently engaging in sex can burn down great amount of calories in the body, 95% of the body is involved in the practice. You wouldn’t be shocked to note that running seven miles and participating in sex is more or less the same exercise.

Hot Bath Therapy: Perspiration in one way or the other contributes to loose of weight. These may involve a great deal of medical explanation. The relaxation of the mind and body is necessary to get rid of stress and muscle fatigue. Salts that block the skin are also gotten rid of leaving the skin more fresh and healthier.

The Costly Surgical Cut: Naturally reforming the body may take quite some time. The body has to take a certain period of time to adjust as growing is a process that takes time. Reversing the process may not always bring forth the desired results and this is where majority would prefer to use an extra coin to have a surgical operation to get rid of any imperfections and stand before the mirror more elegantly.

The Loss Sewed to fit Excellently PART 1

The question of whether to loose weight and look unrecognizable has been a considerably frightening mentality among many who dream to look beautiful. The greatest fear is that what they aspire to achieve may turn out to be a mirror shattering glance that may take long to live with.
Whatever the case, in the course of preparing to change your whole image, there are the right steps to reach the look of unavoidable admiration rather than jumping straight from the top.

Selective Feeding and Resizing of the Plate: Having to choose what to place on your plate may be the most challenging step towards shaping your weight down to an admirable figure. Foods play a major role in shaping our bodies owing to the reaction it has regardless of the quantity we take. Some foods play a greater role in boosting the generation of mass fat in the body and this is where the selective line must be drawn.
Changing diets isn’t an easy task. To reduce the generation of fats in the body food products like meat covered with fat, daily products such as butter, milk should not be the kind of food that one would include in the diet.
The amount consumed to should be fairly little quantity but balanced. Even the time interval of eating should be fairly separated to give the body ample time to get rid of the previously consumed food from the body, especially through digestion. By adopting such a feeding habit the body gradually adjusts accordingly without the use of medication or any form of excessive human attention

Monday, April 20, 2009

Loosing the Mind or Weight?

Gaining weight is very easy but loosing weight can really spin your life and leave you wondering what in the world have you done to yourself.

There shouldn’t be any alarm. If you get to know what really happened you will be in a position to get out of the present state of over weight.

The most clear picture in your mind could be when you weighed less compared to the weight you weigh now. Gaining weight is a process that happens very slowly and it never seems to raise any alarm before it is too late. You would agree that weight gain begins with an easy mind. Probably eating while watching TV, having picnics where lunch composes of foods with high level of fats.

On the contrary, loosing weight is associated with a restless mind such as how fast can I loose weight? Why and how did I reach to such a point of having so much fat? The point is that, loosing weight becomes a difficult activity because you associate loosing weight with a fighting mind, a panic state and a bunch of restrictions like no butter for breakfast and much more. Note, living a life of do not is very stressful and restless not only to your body but to your mind as well.

This builds up stress. Stress will drive you to start habits that you never had earlier.This would be to answer to the wrangling state of the mind. It may turn out that your rate of consuming would increase and this would mean more weight gain.

Trying to loose extra weight shouldn't push you to the darker side but instead lean on the positive side.

Sharing your situation with friends and people who wish to assist you can really play a big role in setting your mind in the right path.

Areas to Avoid after eating

Food consumed after meals can end up been a disappointment in the long run despite the great energy, pleasure and nourishment we get from it.

Weight gain happens when the food consumed is not used by the body and instead converted to fats and calories that are then stored underneath the skin.
After having a lunch or dinner, it would not be advisable to go to bed directly. Food consumed stays in the body for several hours before a complete digestion takes place. The food would have to be stored by the body as most of the time when digestion takes place your body is in a state of rest.

After meals or lunch, you can engage in light activities which will facilitate the e body to be in an active state. This will in turn trigger digestions as the body would need energy. Food would start digesting before you end up in bed. This not only provides comfort to the belly but also helps the body not to store food as fats but to be digested and provide energy.

Consuming great amount of fluids after meals increases the chances of having a belly. The stomach enlarges to handle the amount of food and fluids consumed. With time the stomach attains a large size that isn’t a desirable shape.
Fluids like beer play a major role in the role.

Sleeping on sofas should not be encouraged as the body relaxes and so does the mind. In these state of mind the body is in a position of gaining weight at a higher rate.

Weight Loosing Through Walking

Walking can trigger weight loss for those who have never made an effort to walk for long. Taking a hike for at least an hour and a half everyday can initiate work outs no various body parts. Walking consumes body energy as you need to support your body.

The energy been used from the body can be generated by the braking down of the fats in the body. As the walking exercise continues gradual pace can be added to graduate in gentle jogging. This in turn increases the daily body reactions and the braking down of fats to provide the energy.

In case the body weight can not allow walking, it would be advisable to get a firm structure say, a firm rim along a wall side where one can hold on the rim while walking with added support on the other hand.

Walking to loose weight may seems slow but if the exercise is done continuously, the effects can be seen. During the initial days of the exercise
Effects can be felt on the legs. This could be slight uneasiness as the pressure on the legs would be adjusting to the weight of the body.

Walking exercise can be modified by carrying bags with a certain weight. Start with one pound, this weight in the bag can be added depending on how well you carry out the walking exercise to loose weight.

Be sure to carry water to avoid dehydration as the body will loose large amounts of water during the walking exercise.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Gaining and loosing excessive weight: Difference

Gaining weight is very easy but loosing weight can really spin your life and leave you wondering what in the world have you done to yourself.

There shouldn’t be any alarm. If you get to know what really happened you will be in a position to get out of the present state of excessive weight.
Remember when you weighed less compared to now. Gaining weight is a process that happens very slowly and it never seems to raise any alarm before it is too late. You would agree that weight gain begins with an easy mind. Probably eating while watching TV, having picnics where lunch composes of foods with high fat content the list is endless.

On the contrary loosing weight is associated with a restless mind such as how fast can I loose weight, why and how did I reach to such a point of having so much fat? The point is that, loosing weight becomes a difficult activity because you associate loosing weight with a congested mind, a panic state and a bunch of restrictions. Note, living a life of do not is very stressful and restless not only to your body but to your mind.

This builds up stress. Stress will drive you to calm it with a reward and if you pick food as an option loosing weight becomes a hard task.
To loose excessive weight the difference should not push you to the darker side but instead lean on the positive side. This relaxes your mind and helps you concentrate improving your health much faster.

Monday, April 6, 2009

How to keep watch over you weight

Keeping watch over your weight can help you keep a close eye on the way your body is reacting to the certain foods you eat.
By recording your weights, you can know if you are progressing towards yielding results of your weight loosing strategy or whether you need to add more effort.
Keep an eye on the time you eat and what you eat. By deciding to set specific time for meals, it is possible to restrict the body from having excess meals which would lead to overweight. Keeping an eye on what you eat to can be very important as you will remember to avoid foods containing a lot of fats and those that have a high rate of adding calorie in your body.
Set certain days exclusively for serious exercise. This can be useful for the body to increase the rate at which the body is breaking down fats. The more you work out the less time you will have to spend in the weight loosing cage. Those with fat bellies can concentrate there exercise around the stomach. Well performed exercise will give you a flat tummy free from fat.
Other observations you can make are like taking measurements of your waist, by doing so you can record the measurements and comparing them. As the figure goes down, it indicates that the fat along the belly is disappearing gradually.
On noticing that you weight loosing program is moving on well, you should not stop there. You have to maintain the program so as the body can get used. Leaving the program may lead to the body quickly pick up weight again.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

What to Do When You Notice an Emerging Belly

Emerging bellies are not brought by anything else apart from excessive taking of foods with high fat content like meat, barbecue or margarine's.
To control the growing rate of your belly you need to get rid of the fat that the body in storing. By changing your diets to a less fat composed meal you are likely to reduce the absorption rate of fats in your body. Exercising can also help the body in been in a more active state which can effective help in braking down the fats in the body. With assistance from a gym trainer, you can be able to work on the muscles of the stomach area. Well performed exercises can lead to a flat belly.
Go for more vitamins rich food, vitamin C helps the body to flush out fats from the body. Greens, fruits provide a good source of vitamins which can also supplement your diet. You can decide to take salads for lunch and in the evening take sandwich with no bacon or cheese. Go for a sand witch with more greens rather than more protein.
You can also practice skipping meals.This allows the body to brake down the stored products like fat and carbohydrates. This can go hand in hand with vigorous activities such as sport like mountain climbing, tag of war. This sports enable the body to burn down fat faster and increase the rate of metabolism.
Try to avoid drugs as they may have side effects if you fail to follow the prescriptions required, the best way to loose extra fats is by loosing it naturally.

Overweight: Burdens that you carry

Those who have to live under the weight are not save as far as health conditions are concerned. Been overweight for one is a risk. You risk heart diseases that will put a mark on your life. Blood vessels get blocked by the fat you consume and sooner or later it might be to late. This is a problem that targets you every time you decide to take in an extra calorie.
With the increase of weight, you get forced to change your ward drop. You are forced to wear what you once never thought you would ever wear. Starting from top to bottom everything is large. Where ever you wish to go you have to consider first if they offer facilities that can handle large people. This can be a very difficult burden to move around with, hope you agree with me.
The most heart breaking incident I had to listen to is this kid who had to accept the fact that his friends left him because he was too fat. May be not only kids have to face this but adults to some extent have such incidences especially choosing a partner for a bounding relationship.
During high school it was sad to see how fat people became the source of jokes and laughter.
But this can be gone faster than you can think. It all depends on whether you are ready or not. Loosing weight is not only for those who appear before cameras if I may say so, you can also change your eating habit and see the person in you without excessive weight.

You can loose weight easily

Loosing weight should not be perceived as torture to the body or a form of self denial meant to force the body to acquire the right shape or something close to that. Loosing weight can be easy or difficult. You should be relaxed totally so that you can confront any cravings that may come along. This can be achieved by having a positive altitude to what your doing. Any task done with a positive mind is geared to succeed unlike when you take it negatively as a difficult task. Chances are that you might not make it.
Concentrating on loosing weight can shorten the loosing weight period. Concentration means adding more effort and extra time towards loosing weigh. You can even set aside time for research on other foods that you may take to help you in keeping fit. Focusing on the whole issue with interest can make loosing weight a daily practice such that you automatically adopt to another eating habit without noticing.
Support from friends can also contribute greatly. Friend can advise you on how they tackled the issue of overweight; they can also keep an eye on your feeding program. Support plays a big role in that everyone can try out your new diet which would mean the whole lot deciding to eat healthy food products that will help maintain a recommended weight.
If you have a strong character and you feel that you really need to loose weight. You can try skipping lunch and meals. This is a practice which is common in Asian and Africa countries. The only thing you shouldn't’t do is starve yourself.

Is it still Possible To Loose Weight and Stay Healthy

There are a wide range of food products that you can adapt to and still stay healthy. You can choose not to eat meat but instead take beans, or you can drop drinking milk and take yourght with low fat content. Remember you can only adopt to food products that you can have a source to. Picking food products that aren’t available in your market can give you a hard time as you might return to your normal diet if they go out of supply.
When loosing weight, it is very important to have regular exesercis programs so as to make the body more fit and swift. Exercise also help in increasing the rate of breaking down of food products to generate energy. The body will be in a state of breaking down foods instead of storing them.
As you start to loose weight, you are focused in having a good health. The use of drugs should be the last option. Drugs can deteriorate your body and lead to poor health. Cigarette smoking to can be a harmful and if you used to smoke it would be rather advisable to quit so as to improve your health. Avoid any form of drugs unless you have been prescribed by the doctor.
Food taken while loosing weight should comprise of a balanced diet. A balance diet doesn’t exclusively mean that your protein source should be meat with high fat content. You can still get your source of protein from skimmed milk. By doing so you ensure that your body is healthy and well feed.

Why it’s Never Easy To Loose Excessive Weight

With the pressure to loose weight, there is the pressure to eat when you feel the slightest pinch of hunger. Cravings can be very difficult to control if you are not serious about loosing excessive weight. What happens is that you start with a good pace of controlling what you eat but with time you tend to miss the food even thou you know it can cause excessive weight gain. With out a strong inner control to say no to fat foods, loosing excessive weight becomes a harder task than it seems.

Upon deciding to lose weight there are simple instruction to follow. Either you have set them yourself or follow instructions from and aerobic trainer. Once you ignore one instruction like avoid eating bread spread with margarine. You totally loose the scope of the weight controlling program.
We are always tempted by good looking things, especially when it comes to something delicious; the resistance is to strong to hold back. Dealing with your eager to eat what come in your sight just because it looks delicious and mouth watering can end up making you shouting for help. Eating every hour can lead to a very fast weight gain which would probably take you a long time to get rid off. You have to say no when you see food even if its your best dish because there are things we like that we ought to let go so as to get moving.
The lack of self drive to monitor and keep a strict watch on the weight loosing formula makes the whole exercise a very difficult task even to those who will to assit. Always listen to that voice in you telling you that you can take food containing less fat content and still get feed.

Overweight: Asking why you

There is nothing wrong with your body, your body is wonderfully created and you should not at one time undermine nor call yourself names for been overweight.
Loosing weight can be very easy if you come into terms with your body and mind. It is a drive that can only be stimulated by how you precept about your self.
Mostly gaining weight can be as a result of influence. If peer pressure can change once character so does influence change someone. You might discover that you gained weight from eating more amounts of foods products like your friend. Friends can really change your character, so if you want to loose weight you got to get help and support from your friends.
The type of food you consume may have taken you that far. Feeding on junk food can really distort your healthy feeding pattern. Try to go for food with less fats and calorie if you really have to take the junk food stuff.
The reason why you may have gained weight may be because your body reacts different to certain food stuff compared to others. If you realize by taking certain foods you gain weight at a higher rate than others it would be preferably better if you could try to restrain your self. You can even decide to skip lunch or dinner and take something light. This will give the body sometime to burn off the excessive fat in the body.
Even thou you look forward to loose weight do not over starve yourself since what you are trying to do is to control your eating pattern and at the same time been more friendly to your health.

Reasons Why You May End Up Over Eating

On a normal eating pattern, most people will start with breakfast. This includes small amount of food which is meant to provide you with a lot of energy to start the day. Cereals like cornflakes, corn provide energy; eggs provide a source of protein while any greens included will provide a source of vitamin.
Lunch is normally taken during the middle of the day. It may be light or it may be heavy depending on the task carried out.
Dinner is the last on the list and many prefer to have it heavy. It should be noted that taking heavy dinners may lead to overweight as the body will be in a state of rest during the night hours. The rate of food break down will be at a lower rate. This mean that food may not be fully broken completely. The excessive fats will be stored in the body and with time they will lead to overweight.

Changing the pattern of taking food forces the body to change the way it absorbs and digests food, the more you feed it the more it will be asking for. You may end up eating before meal times. This means that more hours will be directed to your feeding program which could really mean disaster to your weight.
The body may be in a continuous state of craving for food. If you always answer to it by supplying it with more than required you will change the hunger feeling in to a more addictive sort of need. Controlling your food craves can be one tool that can help you over come the problems that are so difficult to tackle that come with over eating.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Is it possible to lose belly fat only?

It seemed hard to loose belly fat earlier in the days but now it is possible. The idea is to get the excessive fat out of the body.
Metabolism is the breaking down of food products in the body. This in turn provides us with energy and fats. If fats were fully broken down the body would not have to store it under our bellies or behind our necks or anywhere else. By taking spices like pepper, cinnamon, oats the body increases the level of hormone production in the body which increases the rate of breaking down of the fats and sugars in the body.
Including vitamin rich products like cabbage,kale's,spinach is very important so as to provide the body with vitamin C. The vitamin in greens plays helps to flush out fats from the body system.

To lose weight,adopt drinks such as green and black tea.Coffee helps lowering the rate of absorption fats into the body. Eating fruits like apples which are rich in pectin, reduce the absorption of fats by cells.

The quickest way to burn fats from the body is by engaging the body in physical activities that will force the body to burn calories and fats. In return you start reducing weight with time. Note that to loose weight or belly fat, it is important to keep a constant exercising schedule.

What most won’t tell you about loosing Weight- Part 2

So the over weight patient went home terrified that his live was in tragedy and no one could help him apart from the pills. So the patient focused on practicing a strike diet plan. He decided to take food products with low fat content such as skimmed milk, yogurts and daily product with low fat content.

He got rid of all the fat bacon and meat from the fridge and replaced it with food products with strictly no fats. After all it was his life at risk.

The patient had to stock lots of greens.Vitamins are found in greens and they help the body system to flush out belly fat, fats around the neck and fats in the whole body.
As days went by the overweight patient started taking the pills as was prescribed without missing a single pill. He called his friends and informed them of the sad news from the doctor and everyone sympathized with him.

Soon it was the last week of the month and the patient was running out of pills. He rushed to the doctor passing all those who had queued on the line. What a sight it was, the security men did not manage to get hold of him as he ran so fast. Among all the the doctor was the most shocked. It was a moving moment. The patient was asking for his pill but the doctor insisted that they were of no need.The doctor studied the weight of the patient and discovered that the patient had an improvement in losing weight. The patient almost fainted when he come in to terms that his life was no longer in danger, and that he had come to the doctor running unlike the previous visit which he couldn’t walk. The best part. The pills were the doctors best menthol refreshing candy. The doctor had placed them from reach of his children who used to swallow them and start crying from the menthol effect.

The doctor explained to the patient that it all lies in the mind. If you want to lose weight you have to tune your mind and fight the craving of food and move on. Keep an eye on what you eat.

So have you tuned you mind to lose weight?

Weight Loss For The Young and The Teens

Gaining weight among the young and the teens is very rampant. Considering the fact that while in the teens,the body is very active and needs a lot of energy. For the young and the teen replenish the energy they take foods that contain high levels carbohydrates and take daily products that contain high levels of fat.

The young and the teens who engage in sports activities rarely face the problem of weight gain or belly fat. Unlike inactive teens who suffer from a speedy weight gain with signs like developing bellies,a hungry appetite for sweet products or even sneaking in the fridge to get more ice cream and chocolate while no one is watching. Once the appetite for food starts developing,it becomes difficult letting it go.

Loosing excessive fat can be achieved through several ways, exercising, taking medication or controlling eating habits. Exercises helps in burning fats by been in an active mode and more intensively working out vigorously. Teens are more likely to loose excessive fat as they engage in activities like sports, athletics which in turn force the body to increase metabolic processes like burning down calories,producing more hormones for stiffening muscles that are covered by fats and enzymes for breaking down the fats under the skin.

Time may not always be there for the young and the teens who probably have extra classes or training. Setting aside a certain day for visiting aerobic classes or light weight lifting can also contribute in shaping your body and controlling your weight.

The young and the teens should minimize taking sweet products before taking evening meals. Products like ice cream, biscuits contain high calorie levels. Thou the young and the teen may still feel hungry after taking these products. A lot has been added in the body so far not including the dinner that still awaits them.

The young and the teen have to be carefully monitored to avoid weight gain that may affect there precious youth. The young may not be aware of the complications that came later due to being overweight in the first place.

Weight loss: Five things you shouldn't do

Loosing weight means getting rid of extra weight from excessive storage of fats.

1. Do not take daily products with high fat content.
Butter and margarine can contribute in adding fats to the body although it may look as if the spread is absolutely in small quantities. According to studies, people have different body absorption rates. Consuming food products like cheese to a number of people can lead to a dramatic weight gain. It would be preferably better to ask if you have doubts regarding the level of fat content in products shelved for sale

2. Do not take animal products like meat,chicken meat without removing the layer of fat covering the whole product. Animal products add protein in the body. Weight can relatively increase with the increase of muscles and fats all found in meat.
It is important to note that, excess consumption of protein may have effects on your health. Consume less amounts of protein as excess protein is never with held in the body.

3. Avoid stationary eating for long hours. The body assumes an inactive state leading to slow digestion. Food is digested and stored directly because no work is done to burn the energy produced by the foods. This is one reason why people develop bellies. Mostly after eating while in a relaxed state,the first thing that comes in mind is a nap. Naps help in growing where young ones and teens are concerned. As you take a nap, the body directly stores more and more energy in the form of fats along the belly, and other body parts.

4. Do not eat if you truly are not hungry. Food is wonderful, but when it becomes a time to time munch activity things start going out of hand. Set time for your eating,if you might not get time for having your lunch or meal try packing a snack.
Avoid putting your mind on the table all the time. Try to think of something else that may distract you from searching for the fridge. Keeping yourself busy is a way that can help you forget about eating often.

5. Do not force food in to your belly. You may feel slightly hungry late in the night either from staying up late to finish some work or you were watching a movie. Try not to feed on heavy meals. Instead get a sandwich with lettuce, tomatoes or anything lighter than the meal you took for dinner. This will fill your tummy and spare your belly from enlarging as well as control your weight.