Sunday, April 5, 2009

Overweight: Asking why you

There is nothing wrong with your body, your body is wonderfully created and you should not at one time undermine nor call yourself names for been overweight.
Loosing weight can be very easy if you come into terms with your body and mind. It is a drive that can only be stimulated by how you precept about your self.
Mostly gaining weight can be as a result of influence. If peer pressure can change once character so does influence change someone. You might discover that you gained weight from eating more amounts of foods products like your friend. Friends can really change your character, so if you want to loose weight you got to get help and support from your friends.
The type of food you consume may have taken you that far. Feeding on junk food can really distort your healthy feeding pattern. Try to go for food with less fats and calorie if you really have to take the junk food stuff.
The reason why you may have gained weight may be because your body reacts different to certain food stuff compared to others. If you realize by taking certain foods you gain weight at a higher rate than others it would be preferably better if you could try to restrain your self. You can even decide to skip lunch or dinner and take something light. This will give the body sometime to burn off the excessive fat in the body.
Even thou you look forward to loose weight do not over starve yourself since what you are trying to do is to control your eating pattern and at the same time been more friendly to your health.

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