Monday, April 20, 2009

Loosing the Mind or Weight?

Gaining weight is very easy but loosing weight can really spin your life and leave you wondering what in the world have you done to yourself.

There shouldn’t be any alarm. If you get to know what really happened you will be in a position to get out of the present state of over weight.

The most clear picture in your mind could be when you weighed less compared to the weight you weigh now. Gaining weight is a process that happens very slowly and it never seems to raise any alarm before it is too late. You would agree that weight gain begins with an easy mind. Probably eating while watching TV, having picnics where lunch composes of foods with high level of fats.

On the contrary, loosing weight is associated with a restless mind such as how fast can I loose weight? Why and how did I reach to such a point of having so much fat? The point is that, loosing weight becomes a difficult activity because you associate loosing weight with a fighting mind, a panic state and a bunch of restrictions like no butter for breakfast and much more. Note, living a life of do not is very stressful and restless not only to your body but to your mind as well.

This builds up stress. Stress will drive you to start habits that you never had earlier.This would be to answer to the wrangling state of the mind. It may turn out that your rate of consuming would increase and this would mean more weight gain.

Trying to loose extra weight shouldn't push you to the darker side but instead lean on the positive side.

Sharing your situation with friends and people who wish to assist you can really play a big role in setting your mind in the right path.

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